Monday, May 18, 2020

How to Make Your Essay More Readable

While writing essays, many writers tend to use simple techniques to help them explain their topic to their audience. Sometimes, writers use simple techniques like inserting humorous phrases or sometimes they use emotional connectivity. The following techniques will help you create that bond with your audience. Alliteration Alliteration is the repetition of sounds. It is mainly used to link two ideas together while captivating the reader. This technique is mostly used in poetry, e.g. The waves washed wistfully against the shores. In this example notice how waves, washed, and wistfully start with the sounds of W. This keeps the reader interested in your writing. Assonance Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds, and it does not need to be in the end of a sentence of a paragraph. Assonance also links two ideas together, and is commonly used in poetry, e.g. The man with the tan was the meanest in the land. Notice how tan, man, and land rhyme, they also have the vowel A in them. Onomatopoeia Onomatopoeia is the description of sounds. Often writers use sound descriptions to help the reader know what is going around, e.g. suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Knock Knock. These sounds can also include animal sounds or description of sounds as well, e.g. She had wacked the ball very hard. The word, wacked, is also a sound description. Emotive Language Emotive words are used to refer to something or to create a relation. Writers use emotive language to create a sense of empathy amongst the readers, to keep them very much intact. Writers want their readers to understand and feel the emotions of another person, e.g. I was very happy when she showed up at my door. The word happy describes the emotions of the character, sometimes involving tragedy into your work can make the reader cry. Colloquial Language Colloquial language is the friendly language. This type of language is commonly used amongst friends. Writers often use this technique to show the relationship between two or more characters and keep a sense of friendship with the reader as well, e.g. Ain’t that strange? The proper way of saying would be, â€Å"Isn’t that strange?† But friends use this language to have a healthy communication. Slang Slang is the language of the new generation. Often, writers use slang terminology to connect with the younger generation readers, e.g. waddup dude, how ya doin? These words may not be understood by all audiences, so make sure to know your readers before you decide to use this type of language. It is very important to stay formal in your academic writings, so avoid slang in your official and academic projects. Jargon Jargon words are specific words only a certain type of people can understand. Think of it this way, while writing an essay on a bank, you are more likely to use specific terms, but most of the time a lot of the readers may not know what that term means as they may have no experience with that term, e.g. ROI and USPs. These are common terms used by business people everyday but other people may know what they are. Clichà © Clichà ©s are often used by writers as well. They are recognizable words and phrases, and can have their impact, e.g. Easy as 1, 2, 3. Writers tend to use this to explain to the audience how easy something was or how difficult. Rhetorical Questions Mostly used in speeches, and sometimes in writing, rhetorical questions are questions, which are not really meant to be answered. These are questions, which get your readers to think. These questions are used to make or prove a point, e.g. How can I live with this guilt? Many writers use these techniques to help readers understand their point. These techniques help give a better and wider visual to the reader. While writing your essays, you can also use these techniques to help prove your point to the reader, and at the same time, these techniques make your work a bit more fun and interesting. You can add an unexpected twist to your story, use some unique phrases, and create a bond of your own with the audience.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Unit 7 Assignment Essay - 1076 Words

Unit 7 Assignment Nicole Cisco Kaplan University CS204: Professional Presence Dr. McCoy July 2, 2014 Introduction Special Educators are greatly needed in our school systems all over the United States. It takes a special person to be a Special Educator. In most jobs you are in need of patience, but with this career a requirement is patience. Some people are cut out for this career and some are not. Emotionally and physically this job can take a toll on someone. In this paper I will discuss what exactly is a Special Educator, what education is needed to become one, salary, job outlook, and work environment. I have also interviewed a Special Educator and I will discuss how she feels about being†¦show more content†¦The lowest 10% earned about $36,740 and the top 10% earned about $87,390. Special Educators typically have a higher salary than a general education teacher. Work Environment The work environment for a Special Educator is in a public, magnet, private and charter schools. Some can also work in preschools. Many work the traditional 10 month school year with two months off during the summer months. Some may opt to work with special summer programs. It is not uncommon for a Special Educator to work in residential facilities, hospitals and student homes. They also can teach the child’s parents methods and ways to help the child develop skills. This career can be highly rewarding but also extremely emotionally and physically draining. This is a reason why there are not many Special Educators. Job Outlook The United States Department of Labor states that â€Å"employment of special education teachers is projected to grow 6 percent from 2012 to 2022, slower than the average for all occupations. However, overall demand will be driven by increasing enrollment and continued need for special education services.† With the advance screening and the identification of different disabilities of children are expected to increase the demand for this career. But overall increase will depend on the government’s funding. Interview I interviewed my sister, Gina O’Connor. She has been a SpecialShow MoreRelatedEssay on Unit 7 Assignment625 Words   |  3 PagesUnit 7 Assignment CJ230-02: Criminal Law for Criminal Justice Instructor: Prof Castiglione Lorraine Lopez May 5th, 2013 In this essay, I will be exploring the differences between state and federal jurisdiction in criminal prosecutions of murder with respect to crimes against persons. In the United States, both the states and the federal government have authority to prosecute criminal offenses.   The federal government and each state have its own, court system, criminal statutes, prosecutorsRead MoreUnit 7 Assignment Interpersonal Communication Kaplan University864 Words   |  4 PagesUnit 7 assignment Claudia Garcia From the interaction, does it seem to you that Alan is actively listening? Why or why not? From the interaction, it is obvious that Alan is not actively listening. 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Digital Enterprise for Megaupload Breach of U.S - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theDigital Enterprise for Megaupload Breach of U.S. Answer: Megaupload breach of U.S. Copyright Laws (Copyright Infringement)? On January 5, 2012 the US district Court issued an indictment against a company Megaupload Limited and its principals Kim Dotcom, Finn Batato and others which confirms the alleged involvement of the company in the issues of copyright infringement (Reilly, 2017). They were arrested on the charges of gaining profits through the infringement of copyright guidelines through the operation of and domain names. The company used to operate as cyberlocker where the users could upload the content to the servers of Megaupload and after getting the URL from the company, they could download the file wherever required. This service was charge free at the basic level and the premium membership option was open for the customers at an affordable rate which provided them with better band width. It also gave the uploaders rewards who uploaded the files that are extensively popular (Fowler, Barrett, Schechner, 2012). The allegations were made on the defendants that they used to upload the materials and files from other sources without taking their permission which is an issue of copyright infringement. The company also allegedly promoted the users to copy the files from unauthorized sources. The company benefitted from the infringement of the copyright financially and also provoked and included others to commit the crime of copyright infringement. Yes, the company breached the laws of copyright infringement in US. The company was charged as criminals under copyright infringement according to the section 17 U.S.C. 506 and 18 U.S.C. 2319 of US constitutional Acts where the files and videos were uploaded by the defendants without taking permission of the patent holders. They were also charged for money laundering (18 U.S.C. 1956) for making money through the acts of copyright infringement. The company was also legally charged for not designating a copyrighting agent under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (17 U.S.C. 512) where they were sent an infringement notice but they did not pay any attention and just deleted the link of the file on which the complaint was lodged (DMLP, 2012) Customers of sites like Megaupload have uploaded personal data to the sites similar to Megaupload service. Who owns that data and what are the implications of this? The data uploaded on Megaupload was owned by the company only. Similarly, the data uploaded on websites with the same functioning is owned by the software companies only. Also, the data which the customers upload on such websites are also owned by the software companies developing them (Copyright Council of New Zealand, 2017). The copyright law of New Zealand is governed by the Copyright Act 1994. It states that any intellectual or innovative work of any user is owned by the user only. The rights for economic exploitation of the work are solely in the hands of the user and if any person has to use the work, he/she must take the permission of the developer or else the developer can file the law pursuit against the user (Wells, 2017). The privacy policies of most of the companies do not ensure absolute confidentiality of the data. They inform that how their data can be shared, exchanged or sold but do not confirm that their data will not be used anywhere. The companies that ask for the sharing of data online do not guarantee its protection. Even the data which is not very useful for us can be extremely beneficial and enough for the cyber criminals for example the email address, mothers name etc. There are several reported cases of the data breaches online. The cyber criminals patch the complete identity of a person from the bits of data they steal from the websites of the company. The pictures of the users can be used in a wrong profile and the information of the profile can lead to the penetration to the financial records of the users. These records can be used for making illegal purchases. To stay protected from such breaches, the users must read all the terms of usage on the online sites of the merchants before making any financial transactions. The management of the cookies of the browser can help in minimizing the risk (CSID, 2015). Despite all the above discussion, the fact is that copyright infringement is an illegal activity in both US and New Zealand and it is the only reason behind Dotcoms extradition in New Zealand. Implication on Users: Now, the question raised that who owns the uploaded data. After Megauploads shut down, the growing concern were related to the uploaded data on site. On the basis of the policies of Megaupload, users have to keep the copies of their files they would have no ownership on data that is uploaded on website and this data can be terminated by the website with the prior notice. Users access to their files can be possible if Megaupload wins the case but still there is no guarantee for file access. Implication for Apple cloud: Megaupload created a negative impact for cloud storage services. Other operators have taken the precautionary actions by changing their policies to avoid the legal implications. They disabled some certain file sharing functionalities to avoid such legal turmoil. iCloud has created itself as brand image for its superior services so its business has not been affected. So we can conclude that collateral damage is related to the trust (Leonhard, 2012). Conclusion This assignment evaluates the New Zealand copyright law and identifies that Megaupload broke such laws or not. On the basis of the available facts, it can be concluded that Megaupload caught in illegal activity breached the copyright norms. References CSID. (2015). The Implications of Sharing Personal Data. Retrieved from Fowler, G. A., Barrett, D., Schechner, S. (2012). U.S. Shuts Offshore File-Share 'Locker'. Retrieved from Reilly, C. (2017). Kim Dotcom eligible for extradition to US in Megaupload case. Retrieved from Staff, D. (2012). United States v. Megaupload Limited. Retrieved from Wells, J. . (2017). Copyright infringement - an overview. Retrieved from Zealand, C. C. (2017). Welcome Copyright Owners. Retrieved from